Gold 1 | 225m AQ | Map 5x5 | Heroic Modifiers | EU and US timezones | See details
Please see comments for updates on available spots
Hello and welcome, prospective OvA recruits!
* 9k prestige
* 800k base hero rating
* Tier 5+ war experience
* High activity (this is NOT a retirement alliance)
If this sounds good for you please read on.
* Top 1800 rank rewards
* Heroic honour rewards
* Gold 1 war rewards
* This is to help you manage when you need to move, rather than having to check regularly.
* We aim to get Map5 finished with 6+ hours remaining so you have more time to life.
* We have excellent officers who carefully manage this to best suit your schedule.
* We expect you to manage yourself in your contribution and activity - officers are not here to chase you to move.
Thanks all.
Hello and welcome, prospective OvA recruits!
* 5 x 5/65 OR 2/35 minimum* 9k prestige
* 800k base hero rating
* Tier 5+ war experience
* High activity (this is NOT a retirement alliance)
If this sounds good for you please read on.
Rewards you will receive with us
* 225m AQ milestones* Top 1800 rank rewards
* Heroic honour rewards
* Gold 1 war rewards
More About Us
* we have set AQ paths for Map5 in Section 1/2* This is to help you manage when you need to move, rather than having to check regularly.
* We aim to get Map5 finished with 6+ hours remaining so you have more time to life.
* We have excellent officers who carefully manage this to best suit your schedule.
* We expect you to manage yourself in your contribution and activity - officers are not here to chase you to move.
Apply to Join
Contact us on Line and provide a screenshot of your profile and your timezone. Only contact 1 of us.Danger-duck
Thanks all.
Add me on line: tylerdurdinsir