As usual with new champs in not exited until I see abilities and gameplay, but based on the mutant class I think there’s a good chance he will be great
Magneto ended up not being an Omega level mutant, so lets hope Prof X or Apocalypse will be
Dude, why do you go around the forum saying magneto sucks? He doesn't, he still destroys metal champions. please stop saying that he's not good anymore.
Worst case: too much OP broken mutant already. So apocalypse and prof X will be around average tier.
I suspsect he will have lots of damage, burst of damage, regen, power steal abilities, etc etc. He had it all in the comics.
I Think his relevancy in the Comics Implores that this character Must be Sincerely Broken in both Abilities as he is in 'Praise Worthy' Popularity