Any 5* /6* Dragon Man pulls?

Sw0rdMasterSw0rdMaster Member Posts: 1,830 ★★★★
Any lucky ducks managed to pull Dragon Man as 5* or 6*?


  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,105 ★★★★★
    i got 5*, @Worknprogress got 6* i think
  • Sw0rdMasterSw0rdMaster Member Posts: 1,830 ★★★★

    Amazing, i would have been happy with just 5*
  • A l p h aA l p h a Member Posts: 544 ★★★
    @Worknprogress what are your thoughts on him so far?? Will you rank the 6 unduped or try to awaken the 5?
  • gage201205gage201205 Member Posts: 576 ★★★
    He doesn't need duped to be good though
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    A l p h a said:

    @Worknprogress what are your thoughts on him so far?? Will you rank the 6 unduped or try to awaken the 5?

    Seems like a good champ but terrible mystic. Kinda like sasquatch in that sense. Have no intention of ranking either anytime soon honestly
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    He doesn't really offer anything specifically that I need currently. He's fun to play around with no doubt though
  • psp742psp742 Member Posts: 2,708 ★★★★
    edited August 2020
    Worknprogress, your luck is "Absolutely filthy" for sure.. 5* and 6* featured champion. How many 6* do you have currently? Where would you place him? Meh? Pretty useful? Demi-god? Great?

    bought all the deals even the crystal in the black iso store and it was awful.. maybe got two 5*, couple 4*, and the rest were 3*.. i guess my luck is in regular cavalier crystal.. feature cav are not as good. didn't even get 3* Dragon-man.

    Dragon-man might be good for aggressive players but having no power control and ok power gain isn't going to make him a favorite mystic champion.. Doom is probably still number 1, Sorcerer Supreme, Longshot and Magik (even if she is older champion has best power control amongst the mystic).

    I guess if I pull 6* Dragon-man.. he would be behind the aforementioned mystic which i current have.. unless he can power steal opponents based on his signature level.
  • Sw0rdMasterSw0rdMaster Member Posts: 1,830 ★★★★
    psp742 said:

    Worknprogress, your luck is "Absolutely filthy" for sure.. 5* and 6* featured champion. How many 6* do you have currently? Where would you place him? Meh? Pretty useful? Demi-god? Great?

    bought all the deals even the crystal in the black iso store and it was awful.. maybe got two 5*, couple 4*, and the rest were 3*.. i guess my luck is in regular cavalier crystal.. feature cav are not as good. didn't even get 3* Dragon-man.

    Dragon-man might be good for aggressive players but having no power control and ok power gain isn't going to make him a favorite mystic champion.. Doom is probably still number 1, Sorcerer Supreme, Longshot and Magik (even if she is older champion has best power control amongst the mystic).

    I guess if I pull 6* Dragon-man.. he would be behind the aforementioned mystic which i current have.. unless he can power steal opponents based on his signature level.

    Mystics are usually not suicide friendly and that's one reason why i was hoping to pull him 😔
  • psp742psp742 Member Posts: 2,708 ★★★★
    Since he is a robot champion, bleed and poison immune.. is the reason why I would love to have him..
  • kmac_qtpkmac_qtp Member Posts: 62
    We had a guy in our alliance buy the $50 deal and got a 5* DM, 5* AW, and 5*AA. I got straight doo doo. 😑
  • SatsuiNoHadouSatsuiNoHadou Member Posts: 753 ★★★

    psp742 said:

    Worknprogress, your luck is "Absolutely filthy" for sure.. 5* and 6* featured champion. How many 6* do you have currently? Where would you place him? Meh? Pretty useful? Demi-god? Great?

    bought all the deals even the crystal in the black iso store and it was awful.. maybe got two 5*, couple 4*, and the rest were 3*.. i guess my luck is in regular cavalier crystal.. feature cav are not as good. didn't even get 3* Dragon-man.

    Dragon-man might be good for aggressive players but having no power control and ok power gain isn't going to make him a favorite mystic champion.. Doom is probably still number 1, Sorcerer Supreme, Longshot and Magik (even if she is older champion has best power control amongst the mystic).

    I guess if I pull 6* Dragon-man.. he would be behind the aforementioned mystic which i current have.. unless he can power steal opponents based on his signature level.

    Dragon Man made #113 for 6*s for me.

    I don't really get into rankings bc I think they give people tunnel vision. Each champ is a more along the lines of a tool in your box. Some tools you use all the time, some you only need very rarely but man they make things easier when you need them, and some you look at and wonder why you have them at all. I'm not sure where he fits currently especially as I'm someone with a very diverse roster already.

    He's pretty bad as a typical mystic honestly but he has some kit that still makes him a solid champ. I'm curious if he'll end up being useful down the line. Can't say I have any immediate inclination to start ranking him up but he seems like he could come in handy here and there occasionally
    113 6*s, your diverse roster is clearly an understatement. How much have you spent so far?
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  • Rodomontade_BoiRodomontade_Boi Member Posts: 1,196 ★★★★

    Rigged. Filthy. Disgusting. I'm salty af. Okay congratulations.
  • Bolt_3Bolt_3 Member Posts: 38

    Bought ×1 uc and ×2 cav. Didnt get anything good apart from awakening my 5*venom HOWEVER i was able to open my first 6* crystal and i got Domino!!!
  • Bafamet_1979Bafamet_1979 Member Posts: 42
    edited September 2020

    I pulled him as a 6* on my first and only crystal. He's a tank, decent damage and has an easy rotation.
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