
All you need to win a war is...

wolfwolf Posts: 106
edited September 2017 in Strategy and Tips
Hyperion in defense. Have as many Hyperions in defesse as you can. Tell your mates that Hyperion in defense does more damage than in attack, so everybody puts it in. So they war will be decided for who has more Hyperions in map.

You nerf Doctor Strange's power gain, but you introduce Hyperion, whom got a power gain incredibly higher... what's the sense in that?

Scartlet Witch could easily beat Hyperion, but she was nerfed, so she doesnt beat him easily. Magik could power burn with her special 1, but only special 2 causes power burn for now, so she doesnt beat him easily either.


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    I dig this post. The only problem is that it's 2 weeks too late.
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    andrade5184andrade5184 Posts: 285 ★★
    uh is this a joke
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    ive beaten hyperion with magik before. easy... all you need to do is sp2, and sp1 also works as it nullifies power gain
    wolf wrote: »
    Hyperion in defense. Have as many Hyperions in defesse as you can. Tell your mates that Hyperion in defense does more damage than in attack, so everybody puts it in. So they war will be decided for who has more Hyperions in map.

    You nerf Doctor Strange's power gain, but you introduce Hyperion, whom got a power gain incredibly higher... what's the sense in that?

    Scartlet Witch could easily beat Hyperion, but she was nerfed, so she doesnt beat him easily. Magik could power burn with her special 1, but only special 2 causes power burn for now, so she doesnt beat him easily either.

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    weavileweavile Posts: 288
    any decent magik user can beat Hyperion in his/her sleep. Baiting and burn with gwenpool, hawkeye is also common on mid tier play and above
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    Nexus_UY_ScutiNexus_UY_Scuti Posts: 480 ★★
    You will lose points due to lack of diversity.
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    RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Posts: 916 ★★★
    If Hyperion was a mystic (which wouldn't make sense of course, just theoretically), then maybe you would have a point with his power gain being too OP.

    But he's a cosmic, MD wouldn't be an issue so you can evade all you want to dodge his specials. Any champ can fight Hyperion, but obviously the power control champions make the fight a lot easier. Magik is obviously the best, but you can bring Vision, Hawkeye, Dormammu, Doctor Voodoo, Psylocke, Gwenpool, Scarlet Witch and quite a couple more.

    Yea, his power gain is strong, but once you bring someone to counter that, he's pretty easy.
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    Breynolds11Breynolds11 Posts: 40
    My advice is start dueling hyperion daily. Hit him with a 4 hit combo, then bait his l1. There arent any crazy dificult nodes in aw anymore so you should be able to beat him with any champ using this method
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