Stupid Bug in the Side quest

I did a run before the side Quest was down and pulled 5* sig stones from the chest.
Got two keys over the two days and went for 7500 5*+1000 6* path and 5* Awakening Gem in the Legendary.
Then I see some people on YouTube speaking about 3 5* AG in total. So the bug fix didn't work accurately and the adjusted map missed out different rewards for different people.
I check my map now and by the looks of it there's 60 Sig stones and only 1 T2 Alpha.
Where's the second T2 alpha?
I posted the map for reference. The Sig stones I got were in the chest on Daredevil's path
@Kabam Miike
@Kabam Boo
@Kabam Lyra
Take due notice of it and adjust the map so that I can target my second T2 alpha
P.S. The adjusted map missed out different rewards for different people.