How you gonna charge $99.99 and not tell us even remotely what we may be getting, like whats the % of t5b t5c ect? Nevermind i just went and read the mail!
I do think you should have been able to choose you t5 class.. The least they could do for a random $100 spend outside of the champion crystals.. Assuming you picked the AG also.
Not by law. As per their agreement with platforms.
Yeah didn't think it's a rule, but I do believe Apple has a policy that all games in their store need to provide percentages for all loot box products.
I won't get into how altruistic Apple is. Lol. Not a fan of their business practices. In any case, they decided to make it a requirement, and MCOC complied. In this case, there really are no Drop Rates. You simply select what you want. The Crystals therein have no Drop Rates. One of six outcomes.