Starting aliance recuiting active members.

The alliance "The Red Knights" is in search for active members.We just started the aliance 2 days ago, we have 4 members and searching for more.Please come to our alliance.


  • RodsteinRodstein Member Posts: 210
    You could try to bring your guys into the Cold Blooded we have 7 spots and are pretty active, we do AQ every day, do ally events specially SA every other week, always completion, item use, duel skirmish etc, msg me here in game and groupme as Rodstein
  • Saber1rebaiSaber1rebai Member Posts: 3
    Rodstein what maps u r running on aq
  • RodsteinRodstein Member Posts: 210
    Mostly 4 and 3, we want to go higher but need more people active and donating, is hard to get all resources with only 23
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