How about more fun?

Lately I get the burn out feeling in the game. It's all the same, never ending grind. My 6* pulls are the worst imaginable, haven't pulled anything good in ages. We do have health and attack boosters in game and I was thinking what would make the game more fun for me? Incursions are fun, especially the hacks that we apply to our champions. Why not make new boosters for game in general? Guys we have to admit that the game is very repetitive and since we can't have live pvp, we should look for ways how to make the game exciting. Going from point A to point B beating nodes is not fun. It becomes tedious after.a while wouldn't you agree? Regardless of my input, what would be your idea of making this game more enjoyable? You never know, we might inspire kabam to make something new and fun for all of us!