MEDUSA BUG Against Nameless Thanos

Literally just inersepting and building armor Shatters even tho there is a Clear Amor Break and I'm not doing any damage just got robbed of a solo :/


  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 13,931 ★★★★★
    You can't apply armor breaks while the opponent has an amor shattered debuff
  • KingdjfKingdjf Member Posts: 14
    Will trust me ik but Play with Medusa and you'll see she puts both armor breaks and Shatters on the opponent I was kinda confused becuase of how Gwen Pool can put her own armor break and then do damage
  • Antman3000Antman3000 Member Posts: 6
    Doom can’t do it for me
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