Roster help

LeoZedLeoZed Member Posts: 653 ★★★
edited November 2020 in Strategy and Tips
Hi guys, this is my 5 star roster and looking for rank up advice. I am now uncollected and took a small break and now planning to push for cavalier. Please help with your advice.

Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • LeoZedLeoZed Member Posts: 653 ★★★
    I have a science AG for Cap but cannot take him beyond sig 30
  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★
    Those top two rows are gonna be your go-tos. Maybe show us your 4* roster too, because 4*s are gonna get you past 5.3 and 5.4. I recommend ranking up venom and HT with priority
  • LeoZedLeoZed Member Posts: 653 ★★★

  • LeoZedLeoZed Member Posts: 653 ★★★

  • HolrosHolros Member Posts: 363 ★★★
    G99 easily,she is great champion and she puts in a lot of work in getting cav,and you will be using her a lot in act 6 and cab Eq,she should be your priority
  • AquaflashAquaflash Member Posts: 47
    Guilly99, Voodoo, Cap IW, Venom, Sentinel, and Torch in that order.

    I’d awaken cap, throw your 30 stones and anymore you can get on him. Mine is not not at sig 100, but still consistently places debuffs. You’ll want his petrify and Sentinel’s heal block for your push to Cavalier.

    Also, I’d do some research on Sorcerer Supreme. I don’t know much about her, but I know a couple of people that love playing with her. She might jump a couple of people in the list I gave.
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