Should Emma Frost be awakened?

jdubrichjdubrich Member Posts: 32
I'm confused about Emma Frost being awakened (or duped.) By this graphic,
it seems getting her awakened and adding more signature stones weakness her sig ability.


  • Sarvanga1_Sarvanga1_ Member Posts: 4,162 ★★★★★
    First off emma doesn't need her awakened ability.
    Secondly the value is decreasing so that the diamond form can come easily.
  • jdubrichjdubrich Member Posts: 32
    Her sig ability is "White Queen." Her passive is "Damond Form."
    So are you saying " Diamond Form" is more important/powerful/useful than " White Queen?"
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Her awakened ability makes her reverse controls as a defender and it makes her a little more sustainable as she will switch to diamond form when a hit would take a lot of max health. But that's all it does. If you are using her on attack the awakened ability is mostly irrelevant.
  • BonzodavidBonzodavid Member Posts: 586 ★★★
    The graph shows the % of health taken in a hit to turn into diamond form.
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  • jdubrichjdubrich Member Posts: 32
    So 4* basic maxed EF is good for attack and 4* awakened max sig is good for defending? Is this basically the case?
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  • jdubrichjdubrich Member Posts: 32
    @DoubleDelta Since you want to keep your 5* EF unawakened, wouldn't it be better to awaken her with an awakening **** to only get one sig rather than risking duping her and getting a sig 20?
    That's what I'm battling with. I don't do wars very often and my alliance already has an EF, so by diversity, I couldn't place her anyway.
  • jdubrichjdubrich Member Posts: 32
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  • Raichu626Raichu626 Member Posts: 934 ★★★★

    It can be easier to gain prowess charges unawakened than in an awakened one. Awakened, as long as you have the same amount of power bars, you remain in diamond form - great as a defender and a safeguard, however, you need to parry in diamond form to gain prowess and ramp her, whereas unawakened you're out of diamond form on the same energy level, so can earn prowess from being more aggressive.

    Awakened Emma will start in diamond, so if youre running suicides, she'll shrug them immediately, same with any node debuffs - also comes in handy when fighting something like biohazard. This months EQ she doesn't work as well.

    Its all down to personal preference really, my 6* naturally is awakened, I want to keep my 5* unawakened for as long as possible.

    That is not what her sig does tho?? She always starts in diamond, and going into diamond when at equal power is her colossus synergy. Please only explain a champ's abilities when you actually know what they are
  • Raichu626Raichu626 Member Posts: 934 ★★★★
    And for what the graph indicates, you should read the description properly. Her sig makes her switch to diamond form when she'd take a lot of damage in a single hit. Diamond form reduces the amount of damage she takes (due to very high physical/energy/crit resistance). The graph indicates how much damage that hit has to deal to her for her to trigger the sig ability. The lower the threshold, the better. If you got hit, you want to go into diamond before losing half of your health
  • jdubrichjdubrich Member Posts: 32
    Thanks for all of your input.
    I still don't understand. Not your issue. Only mine.
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