Mystic Advice Needed
I have a 2016 mystic rank up gem 3->4. Was gunna use it on Voodoo but pulled Doom recently. Im gunna be taking Doom to R5 asap. Now that I have doom is it still worth taking Voodoo to R4 or should i save it for when one of the trashy mystics gets buffed? (i.e loki, jugg, iron fist, Jane foster, guillotine)
Is Doom better overall, yes, no question, but VooDoo is very good and has some solid utility.
I also have a regular mystic gem waiting for voodoo right now (got him last month and he's r3). But, I got 5* doom a week later and 6* doom a week after I took that one to R5 (he's my 2nd r2 6* now too). Do I want to take voodoo up, yes! Is there a rush though, no, not for me anymore (Claire went to R5 3 weeks before doom and magic was my first r5 since she was the only candidate about 6 months ago). He'll probably still get it, but holding it for now, just in case someone newer comes along (I actually gave one to Man-Thing first, just because he's a bit different and can be an annoying aw defender too). Mystic was my most lacking class forever and then it was a flood all at once. I had 5 mystic gems from variants,which pissed me off for the longest time, but panned out in the long run. Now I can kinda sit back and see if someone newer can put it to better use.