Act 5 Help
Hello there, I'm currently stuck in 5.2.4, and I don't know how to take it on. I've tried running it a couple of times but I'm either destroyed by Magik or Masochism/ Limber. I've tried taking Falcon along solely for Magik, but it's unreliable, as she quickly makes up for the lost health when I dex her attacks. Can anyone please help me out with the last 3 Missions? My only remaining hope is to Quake through it all; she's only a 3 star, but that means that it's easier to heal her up for matches.
Rank up Black Widow CV and take the caltrops path. Stay in curse of blood and it is incredibly easy. Just do MLLL dash back for combos
Yo guys This is my roster... which path would be easier for me in 5.2.4[masochism]??
And I also have a colossus as 4 star rank 4 who is not in the pictures..