Infinity Streak? What the heck?
I keep hearing about an infinity streak in relation to the arena, but with the abysmal lack of even a basic glossary for this game,I am having a heck of a time finding out what that actually is. Obviously it's not someone who never ever loses an arena match. Kabam has made sure that is pretty much a physical impossibility with death squads that double ur team rating again every time u beat them. So what, exactly, is the infinity streak all about?
For the 4* Basic I only use 4/40 and 5/50 so with those you can get very easy matches, only the one at streak 6 or 7 is the most difficult.
I use bit different at the beginning.
1-4 4* r3/4
5- 10 2x5*r1 + 1*
and after that 5*r4/5 6r1/2
If you run suicides and a few of the masteries that heavily bump PI, then it makes the streak point lower.