7.1 100% Done and Dusted
It was fun while it lasted. Overall, I used less than 25 revives and probably could have done it in less if I wasn’t trying to get it all done today.
7.1 was a freaking blast. Lots of fun and lots of rank up resources, but not enough ISO.
My MVPs for it? Other than, you know, Doom, Havok, and Fury.
6r2 Man-Thing and 6r3 Mojo.
I soloed Aarkus, Weapon X, and Night Carnage with Man-Thing. Seriously. He’s a beast for a lot of path fights as well, same with Mojo.
My nexus crystal was a choice between Vulture, Loki, and awakening Mordo, so I went with Vulture. The six star rank up gem was Science which I don’t exactly have a use for yet.
J/k. Good job
I don't think it's easy. You do need a solid roster, but it can be done if you have the skill. Much better start to this compared to Act 6 imo.