legends results announcement, estimated times

BDLHBDLH Member Posts: 148
I've seen a bunch of user comments about when results are released but no official Kabam statement on this. The legends attempts end 14 days into the monthly event I believe, but when are the results posted/mailed out to us.

Also for other guys doing this month's run who are multi-time legends did you find this month's paths any longer? anyone willing to post previous event times and compare them to your time this month so new guys attempting it have a ballpark to shoot for?

and based on your previous titles and this months run, can any of the legends give their estimate what this month range would be?


  • BDLHBDLH Member Posts: 148
    edited October 2017
    and another question to Mods and official Kabam confirmation on legends related issues - why will you not post times of the legends each month or provide info based on device or at least OS used. Wasn't "transparency" apart of the new and improved Kabam that we're all supposed to know and love better? :)

    to cut to the chase has there been a single Android legends in say the past 300 winners? or can you give a percentage of iOS vs Android so we know what we're working with? I finished this month 1 hour faster than an event 3 months ago that was considered a shorter event just going from a Samsung to Apply product, it seems mathematically impossible to compete on an Android, would it not be "transparent" to just tell your customers this is the case? (if it is true) so they don't waste all their resources, which obviously benefit you financially but not as far as community content/transparency.
  • BDLHBDLH Member Posts: 148
    come on mods, is this gonna be yet another legends related threads you ignore and keep cryptic to avoid very legitimate questions? at least acknowledge hey we are not authorized to reveal this type of info or something.

    if you search through the history of previous legends related threads this is how they typically start and stop...
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Considering you started the thread today, you will not get an answer until tomorrow afternoon
  • Wil6541Wil6541 Member Posts: 273
    I guarantee you not a single legend speed run was done on Android. I have a fast Android device and I can't do it, borrowed a buddies iPhone 7 and got 10th place. Same me same mastery same team. Load times are killer. Fastest Android out you got roughly 10 secs in and out of every fight iPhone you got 2 tops. 100 fights on both maps (estimated) just loading in and out of fight iPhone 400 secs Vs Androids 2000 secs. That is 26 extra mins minimum disadvantage to Android. And no where to make that time up as hero is 1 hit and done.

    Times in each map are irrelevant for planning some maps had as high as 5 hr to sneak in some as low as 4 hr 10min.
  • BDLHBDLH Member Posts: 148
    yea it would still help the community to know some of these things if they would just release it. If it is mathematically impossible to make it on an Android why not just tell your loyal customers, or make an Android division, or make it FIGHT time based where it adds up the fight time excluding the load times.

    I guess they don't work every weekend but there have been plenty of Mod responses on weekends before and legends threads like this one ignored for days or longer while they are actively replying to other posts. There seems a purposeful quietness around legends in general since it benefits them financially.

    what other competition doesn't list result times on races? This is a true race in every aspect just like a marathon, but with hidden race times. And no divisions so 80 year old brackets (Androids) are racing against the Pro olympic type division. The design is obviously broken but in a financially advantageous way for Kabam so I'm hinting that I think the quietness around anything legends related is not coincidence.

    I did same, 2 months ago on android on a shorter map with posted times found on Reddit and youtube (yes that's what it takes to find times from helpful legends runners posting theirs) and this month on Apple and cut almost an hour off the run time.

  • BDLHBDLH Member Posts: 148
    Wil6541 wrote: »
    I guarantee you not a single legend speed run was done on Android. I have a fast Android device and I can't do it, borrowed a buddies iPhone 7 and got 10th place. Same me same mastery same team. Load times are killer. Fastest Android out you got roughly 10 secs in and out of every fight iPhone you got 2 tops. 100 fights on both maps (estimated) just loading in and out of fight iPhone 400 secs Vs Androids 2000 secs. That is 26 extra mins minimum disadvantage to Android. And no where to make that time up as hero is 1 hit and done.

    Times in each map are irrelevant for planning some maps had as high as 5 hr to sneak in some as low as 4 hr 10min.

    this is about what i guessed, it's a lot more than 26 minutes i'm guessing though since it's load time before and after every fight (well more than 100), and the load time entering the node before you start it, so it's actually 3 load times per fight.

    did you by chance do this month yet vs sinister spidey one that we have times on from Reddit posters showing rank 80 was about 4:28 and a couple guys in low 4:30s making legends?

    just seems odd the ends we have to go to for getting simple info they refuse to post. There are forums created around Kabam forums to bypass their secretive stance and "transparency."
  • Wil6541Wil6541 Member Posts: 273
    Lowest I know is 434 but didn't ask where he placed
  • BDLHBDLH Member Posts: 148
    Another use just confirmed 4:24 before regen nerf, my 4:27:30 was also pre-regen nerf for 2 data points.
  • BDLHBDLH Member Posts: 148
    Just for my own knowledge is sharing legends times condoned by Kabam since they are so secretive about this so I don't waste my time here and move the post to Youtube and Reddit? Or will you allow the community to help either other by sharing data points that you are not willing to share?
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Tge team will not share anything more than they already do.
    The reason why they don't share cut-offs is the same as the reason they don't share arena cut-offs. Is simple.
  • BDLHBDLH Member Posts: 148
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    Tge team will not share anything more than they already do.
    The reason why they don't share cut-offs is the same as the reason they don't share arena cut-offs. Is simple.

    Care to enlighten us about this "same reason" they cannot share any cutoffs so the users have to go out of their way to create Reddit channels and Google spreadsheets to share it themselves? We are all aware of the fact that they do not share it, we are questioning the justification and how much time it would save the users from sharing it among ourselves outside of Kabam jurisdiction.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    People don't like to share cut-offs for personal reasons. Also they want to avoid others players from stealing their places in the future. Thats simple as it is
  • BDLHBDLH Member Posts: 148
    "The team will not share anything more" = the team referring to Kabam team. Are you talking about players or "The Team"? All these posts have been about Kabam sharing not, PLAYERS sharing. We have been sharing from the beginning. There are live streams from the first to last second using IF, DW builds, SL builds, crit teams vs attack teams. Times posted compared to ranks placed. They are littered throughout Youtube and Reddit. The #1 ranked only back to back winner posts exactly how he does it from the masteries to the boosts to the champs used. Multiple streams of runs using all different types of comps. PLAYERS are more than happy to share this, even the number 1 ranked legends runner.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Players can share whatever they want to on the forums. Are you perhaps asking kabam to create a thread just for the people to post the results?
    Because there is already one, which is the official quest announcement thread
  • Dangeruss2Dangeruss2 Member Posts: 1
    I just did a legend run with android. Took 5 hrs 7 minutes
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,522 ★★★★★
    Dangeruss2 wrote: »
    I just did a legend run with android. Took 5 hrs 7 minutes
    Yeah u dont get. It Thah to much
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