Would you like an update to the loyalty store where you can get other champs then UC for a prize?

MysterioMysterio Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★

Would you like an update to the loyalty store where you can get other champs then UC for a prize? 34 votes

Yes please
SnizzbarMityAntOsfan8Hammerbro_64Repto23BestSpicey777icx23433Scopeotoe987MysterioAwesomoChaosShamanriver77Dr_Z01dbergKill_GreyTiger360Hera1d_of_Ga1actusThicco_Modedeepblack12JohnyBoyCharlie21540JragonMaster170 26 votes
No thank you
SandeepSGoddessIliasAyden_noah1OmedennBrouImGodMFCrcrcrcBlackTuran 8 votes


  • MysterioMysterio Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★
    Yes please

    That is fair
  • ImGodMFImGodMF Member Posts: 459 ★★★
    No thank you
    No, Loyalty is far too easy to come by to be useful for anything other than a trophy champ and items.
  • AwesomoChaosAwesomoChaos Member Posts: 78
    Yes please
    Would at least like to get 6* UC
  • MysterioMysterio Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★
    Yes please
    ImGodMF said:

    No, Loyalty is far too easy to come by to be useful for anything other than a trophy champ and items.

    I will gladly take a 5* Deadpool or Thanos for some Loyalty
  • GoddessIliasGoddessIlias Member Posts: 706 ★★★★
    No thank you
    Mysterio said:

    ImGodMF said:

    No, Loyalty is far too easy to come by to be useful for anything other than a trophy champ and items.

    I will gladly take a 5* Deadpool or Thanos for some Loyalty
    Thanos in the loyalty store? No offense but are you out of your mind?
  • MysterioMysterio Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★
    Yes please

    Mysterio said:

    ImGodMF said:

    No, Loyalty is far too easy to come by to be useful for anything other than a trophy champ and items.

    I will gladly take a 5* Deadpool or Thanos for some Loyalty
    Thanos in the loyalty store? No offense but are you out of your mind?
    I mean the guy said I can only get Thropy champs from it, so I will take either. (Please just give us Deadpool and Thanos in the normal crystals)
  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★
    Mysterio said:

    Mysterio said:

    ImGodMF said:

    No, Loyalty is far too easy to come by to be useful for anything other than a trophy champ and items.

    I will gladly take a 5* Deadpool or Thanos for some Loyalty
    Thanos in the loyalty store? No offense but are you out of your mind?
    I mean the guy said I can only get Thropy champs from it, so I will take either. (Please just give us Deadpool and Thanos in the normal crystals)
    Deadpool OG is literally the hardest to come buy champ. You either have to buy him at the beginning, or buy him in those spring cleaning offers. Or the arena that came by a while ago. Never gonna happen.
  • GoddessIliasGoddessIlias Member Posts: 706 ★★★★
    No thank you
    Mysterio said:

    Mysterio said:

    ImGodMF said:

    No, Loyalty is far too easy to come by to be useful for anything other than a trophy champ and items.

    I will gladly take a 5* Deadpool or Thanos for some Loyalty
    Thanos in the loyalty store? No offense but are you out of your mind?
    I mean the guy said I can only get Thropy champs from it, so I will take either. (Please just give us Deadpool and Thanos in the normal crystals)
    If they add thanos to the loyalty store he’ll no longer be a trophy champ. It’s perfectly fine as is.
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