Post Cavalier Guidance.

MrRed0MrRed0 Member Posts: 2
edited January 2021 in Strategy and Tips

Just finished Cavalier and got some new champs from gifting Crystals. Looking for guidance on who to rank up and what to push for. Haven’t completed any of the variants yet while slowly exploring Act 5. Thanks for the help!

Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • KyusushuiKyusushui Member Posts: 147 ★★
    edited January 2021
    Definitely 100% Act 5 and do variants before moving on. 6.2 is much more challenging than 6.1. for variants I recommend variant 4 as u have good enough 5 stars to do the first two quests and the the rest can be done with lower star champs. Magneto could also do alot of work for you in the newest variant for villains. I'd rank up Void Guardian Guilly 2099 and OR, theyl do alot for you in act 6. Ul need to eventually rank Sym Supreme but that's be in Act 6 Chapter 3 so don't worry about him for now. U also have good mystics so do the blood and venom variant also
  • spiderknight616spiderknight616 Member Posts: 690 ★★★
    100% act 4 and act 5
  • StaphMemberStaphMember Member Posts: 337 ★★★
    Rank and sigs for Omega Red. He tackles the mutant path in Cavalier EQ single-handedly.

    Variant content should be the next goal for progression and will give you resources to continue building your roster.
  • 4dlai4dlai Member Posts: 250
    If you still have the generic ag use it on hyperion
  • MrRed0MrRed0 Member Posts: 2
    Actually have two generic ag. Was thinking Hyperion and Corvus or Void but have been hesitant to use them...
  • SaltE_Wenis69SaltE_Wenis69 Member Posts: 1,993 ★★★★
    Do v5 cuz you have lots of great mystics you use. Btw use a generic on hype
  • SaltE_Wenis69SaltE_Wenis69 Member Posts: 1,993 ★★★★
    Oh and also do v3 cuz hype can crush the first two chaps
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