Looking for a alliance that completes map 5 and wins 5* shards in aw

I’m looking for a alliance that plays map 5 x 5 and completes all 3 battlegroups.
Also a alliance that plays for 5* shards in Aw.

Active and skilled just retired from a top 15 alliance.
Prestige is 5960
If your interested please reply to this message and leave your line I’d please.


  • CarpyCarpy Member Posts: 95
    Hit me up on line at carpy16
  • Havoc_Summers1Havoc_Summers1 Member Posts: 8
    Hey Dragun. My line ID is 4410113519. Would love to talk to ya. Alliance FMLY. Thank you
  • SavageJoeSavageJoe Member Posts: 134
    Find me on Line or reply to me on here if you want. Or send me a letter. I mean, whatever one you prefer haha.
    Line ID: savagejoe
  • missyuamissyua Member Posts: 104
    missyua18 line id interested in you joining
  • SpawnSpawn Member Posts: 5
    11 mil ally..5x5 rank top 600..AW tier 1-3..A lot of us have Map 6 experience but we enjoy Map 5..Line/IGN Spawn0517.. we got one member retiring after Aaq so you will fit in perfectly.
  • cupkatecupkate Member Posts: 67
    Hi. We're looking to add a player. We do play map 6 occasionally and get t4cc weekly. We're also competitive in AW. Tier 1/2. No arena minimums required. We have a very stable membership and involved leadership. I've been in this alliance for years and it's been great. Contact Fitzpatrick9105 on Line if you're interested. Thanks!
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    IGN run477

    Line is run477

    Top 800 aq (5x5) and tier 1/2 war
  • DjukaDjuka Member Posts: 4
    Im interested to talk add me ingame Djuka!
  • MRod77MRod77 Member Posts: 154
    If you are still looking we have a spot in G8TRS for you. My line is MROD77 and in game as well.
  • UltraGislooking4_UltraGislooking4_ Member Posts: 71
    We are looking for someone to fill 1 spot. Had to kick an inactive member. Contact me for details. In Game: Ultra G
    Line Id: ultrag
  • DragunDragun Member Posts: 2
    Thanks everyone but I found a alliance
  • Ferdy1218Ferdy1218 Member Posts: 88
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