how to get 5xtc5 2% frag crystals

AntoGreyAntoGrey Member Posts: 40
... in the new quest? I ve chosen TC quest but there are not. Thanks.


  • NewlinstheoryNewlinstheory Member Posts: 1,012 ★★★★
    TC quest?
  • AntoGreyAntoGrey Member Posts: 40

    TC quest?

    I thought so but I didn't find it. There is only T2 alpha and tc5basic fragments.
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    I think it comes in the next set after half the month is over
  • AntoGreyAntoGrey Member Posts: 40

    I think it comes in the next set after half the month is over

    But if I chose shards for the first half month, could I get those tc5 2% choosing catalist in the second half? Or we need to choose catalist both of times to reach that?
  • NewlinstheoryNewlinstheory Member Posts: 1,012 ★★★★
    so you'll need to wait til the next half when it reset's to go for the t5cc, you won't get it this round
  • DannyB01DannyB01 Member Posts: 471 ★★★
    You could have chosen it only the second time, is my understanding.
  • AntoGreyAntoGrey Member Posts: 40
    DannyB01 said:

    You could have chosen it only the second time, is my understanding.

    pfff if it is so it's unbelievably confused. @Kabam Miike could you clarify for me this doubt? Thanks a lot
  • Tiger360Tiger360 Member Posts: 1,696 ★★★★
    How many tokens can you get in total? Do you need all of them without missing a single one? I jumped in blind like an idiot, and only got 1 on my first go
  • NewlinstheoryNewlinstheory Member Posts: 1,012 ★★★★
    edited January 2021
    32 tokes
    but its the stamps that matter if you want the 2% t5cc @Tiger360
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