2 Generic Awakening Gems, 4 Top Tier Champs, Who gets Awakened?

caligarelinquocaligarelinquo Member Posts: 218
edited October 2017 in Strategy and Tips
I'm torn over who to awaken right now, or if i should just wait and hopefully dupe them through a crystal. FYI, I have completed ACT 4 and ROL, the only other content in front of me would be RTTL and ACT 5 at this point or any other monthly challenge that comes out.

2 Generic Awakening Gems, 4 Top Tier Champs, Who gets Awakened? 30 votes

Gwenpool 5/50
J_PattVision_41 2 votes
Star-Lord 4/40
GhengisHan_LivingDeadGirlunknownSpeedbumpCoolGuy_McFlyAnurag1606SungjSuskanutvikasjoshi9617GrimmbearLord_Paramount10MasterYoda493SgtAnime1HzoriimnooneLittleSisterCarnageCookies 17 votes
Wolverine 4/40
TillerTheKillerStefffFraggyZzzvinniegainzMasterYoda493leira619 7 votes
Archangel 4/40
Ja1970Pilgrimm2nd_slingshotIAmNotUrMom 4 votes


  • 2nd_slingshot2nd_slingshot Member Posts: 233
    Archangel 4/40
    You don't need an awakening for gwenpool. I say arch angel and star lord. They get their best abilities from being awakened. Wolverine is a close third.
  • StefffStefff Member Posts: 121
    Wolverine 4/40
    Wolvy's awakened regen more than doubles his regeneration overall. It improves him by so much as a champion that he's a no-brainer. Star Lord is another good option. AA and Gwenpool just don't benefit quite as much from being awakened imo.
  • J_PattJ_Patt Member Posts: 67
    Gwenpool 5/50
    Gwenpool; she's a great attacker for war and will help you through the content you haven't finished yet and i would save the other awakening gem for someone who's sig ability isn't reliant on how high it is(Wolvie, and Starlord are better when thier highly duped) .
  • 2nd_slingshot2nd_slingshot Member Posts: 233
    edited October 2017
    Archangel 4/40
    Stefff wrote: »
    Wolvy's awakened regen more than doubles his regeneration overall. It improves him by so much as a champion that he's a no-brainer. Star Lord is another good option. AA and Gwenpool just don't benefit quite as much from being awakened imo.

    AA gets his neurotoxin from being awakened. So he really needs to be duped to maximize his damage output . Also the chances of procing the double Regen on wolverine is not so much. It isn't always noticeable except in long fights like ROL. Infact, he gets the double Regen more when he gets hit than when he is hitting other champs.
  • SuskanutSuskanut Member Posts: 113
    Star-Lord 4/40
    Star Lord has the higest damage output in the game once awakened and cam easily beat any content you have in front of you if you can play well with him
  • Anonymous346Anonymous346 Member Posts: 661 ★★★
    Stefff wrote: »
    Wolvy's awakened regen more than doubles his regeneration overall. It improves him by so much as a champion that he's a no-brainer. Star Lord is another good option. AA and Gwenpool just don't benefit quite as much from being awakened imo.

    AA gets his neurotoxin from being awakened. So he really needs to be duped to maximize his damage output . Also the chances of procing the double Regen on wolverine is not so much. It isn't always noticeable except in long fights like ROL. Infact, he gets the double Regen more when he gets hit than when he is hitting other champs.

    AA has neurotoxin when unawakened too, it's just that when he's awakened, the neurotoxin can reduce ability accuracy and stop regen
  • _LivingDeadGirl_LivingDeadGirl Member Posts: 160
    Star-Lord 4/40
    SL for sure. The second is matter of personal preference. AA is one of the highest damaging attackers in the game. However that immediately goes out the window against a bleed or poison immune. No bleed or poison means no nuerotoxin so you're better off with Wolvie.

    At max sig level a 4/50 wolvie will be healing about 400 hp per tick, assuming you aren't using his specials or getting power drained/burned.

    Safe bet is SL and wolvie.
  • vinniegainzvinniegainz Member Posts: 902 ★★★
    Wolverine 4/40
    I think one of the obvious choices goes to wolvie because he has godly regen

    The second is a little more difficult between SL and AA. Who can you see being more helpful, the godly ability reduction vs the godly damage output even against bleed/poison immune?
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    Star-Lord 4/40
    Gwenpool has most of what makes her good unawakened so don't use a generic on her, class for sure since she is the best skill till blade comes out maybe.

    Starlord 100% you should awaken, a four star awakened starlord can literally get you through all the end game content in the game so far even 100% LOL if you are good enough and willing to spend enough money.

    Both wolverine and Archangel are deserving of a generic awakening gem so it really depends on what you need. If you need a powerful damage dealer or ability accuracy reduction champ AA will be godly to you. Since you have gwenpool, you don't really need a damage dealing champion and if you have a DAR champ like elektra or crossbones AA won't do much for you so go with wolverine. If you have a solid regen champ like ghost rider or king groot go with AA
  • _LivingDeadGirl_LivingDeadGirl Member Posts: 160
    Star-Lord 4/40
    I think one of the obvious choices goes to wolvie because he has godly regen

    The second is a little more difficult between SL and AA. Who can you see being more helpful, the godly ability reduction vs the godly damage output even against bleed/poison immune?

    Wait how is he pulling off god tier damage against a bleed/poison immune?
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