AQ focussed, friendly bunch, Maps 5 and soon 6 - looking for a few to join

Hey guys!

Our longstanding AQ focussed alliance recently had a few join a higher alliance - we're now looking for some to join our friendly crew for Maps 5 and soon 6 (once we have a full 30 again) over 3 BGs.
Line required
Chilled environment, global timezones - a a great place to grow your account quickly!

Looking for 1, 2 or even up to 7 to join!

We're looking for folks who can contribute each day, communicate well and Cavalier players at a minimum to help keep up with Maps 5 and 6.

AW Gold 3 at present, but AW isn't our top priority so not a lot of stress for wars.

Hit me up ingame or on Line: X-money
Alliance Tag= [muaah] INDIGO


  • gr8animeshgr8animesh Member Posts: 1
    I grew my account from 200k to 1.3mil is an awesome place to be in if you are looking to play MCOC and make friends for life 😊
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