Parry Description Bug

Parry mastery description is inaccurate.


  • DeepPurple15xDeepPurple15x Member Posts: 5
    I noticed the same thing in game. Im using an Android device. Plus also shows the same values. Looks like a visual bug
  • DerKaiserSozeDerKaiserSoze Member Posts: 3
    Yep looks like a visual bug. I’m getting the same on iOS
  • TheBoogyManTheBoogyMan Member Posts: 2,094 ★★★★★
    Kt1 did a video about it. There's difference in one point and 3 points effect.
  • DerKaiserSozeDerKaiserSoze Member Posts: 3
    Cheers BoogyMan. I just checked it out.
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