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Hey guys. So I’m sure you all have seen the 2 week extra calendar. What many of you don’t understand, we could have gone these 2 weeks with no calendar. The fact that you all are complaining is insane. This extra calendar may not compare to previous ones but it’s better then nothing. Stop complaining about free stuff, it’s just unnecessary.
People like you who role over and take everything Kabam gives them with a smile on your face is the reason we have a garbage AW and bug after bug that goes unfixed all the while people are dropping Odin's on GM crystals.
I can read pretty well and I understand the main topic.
But if my goal was to not see comments about the calendar anymore I would't create a new thread about it. Unless of course I was absolutely foolish and thought there wouldn't actually be negative comments in the thread about it
Those 2500 5star shards also sucked for the amount of garbage we dealt with this month.
Who wants to see all the comments? Maybe the people who are trying to make a change? You just contradicted yourself literally one sentence after making that statement; if you think the calendar is "ass", wouldn't you agree it should change? We won't get things to change by sitting around assuming everyone else feels the same way as us, AND assuming kabam is somehow going to pick up on that general consensus and change things.
Face it: the general community hates this calendar. We want it to change. These forums are a forum for change. Like it or not, these "complainers" are using it for that. If lots of people voice their grievances, and lots more people agree with them, kabam will notice, and being the smart company they are, they'll change things. If the majority of the community DOESN'T agree with them, the "complainers" will fade out. They don't seem to be doing that in this instance, but that's beside the point. If its not popular, it won't gain traction. It's simple.
Then just dont collect it then.
So simple.
If you've got a better solution than voicing ourselves on the forums, by all means, let us know. Obviously going to the App Store worked in 12.0, but I don't think we're quite at that point yet. I do think kabam is at least privy to most issues we have, even aw. As I'm aware, they are working on making it better (they're just doing a bad job of it.) Other things, I agree, I wish they would address them directly, but again, what better option do we have? I can't exactly call up Adora and let her know I'm not happy about the Halloween calendar, can I?