New Scarlet Witch

ParfanityParfanity Member Posts: 330
I'm not sure why Kabam created a new Scarlet Witch and didn't make her available to play, since SW classic is also unavailable as a 6* it makes perfect sense. Can we add her to the roster? Or will she be added? She's one of my favorite Marvel characters and needs some love. Her skillset looks awesome!


  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,126 ★★★★★
    Same reason they made xforce wolverine or weapon x or dark pheonix. If she does ever become playable itll probably be as a trophy champ.
  • ParfanityParfanity Member Posts: 330
    Buttehrs said:

    Same reason they made xforce wolverine or weapon x or dark pheonix. If she does ever become playable itll probably be as a trophy champ.

    Ugh, was hoping they wouldn't do that anymore. Especially with such a sought after champion.
  • ParfanityParfanity Member Posts: 330
    Now that I have seen WandaVision I want her more now than ever.
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