Kabam why is T5CC not more available for your cavalier summoners? I literally just need T5CC and i can obtain the thronebreaker title. Yet it is so difficult to get T5CC. Can we get the 5% crystals added to the glory store or something for cavalier champs?
It's actually a good thing that we have T5CC frags in permanent content more than ever plus we get around 20-30% per month from the EQ and SQ. I'm currently 6 paths away from exploring 7.1 that will push my Mutant T5CC to 80% from the 25% selector. If the random 25% T5CC is also a mutant then I'll be TB. If not, then I'm gonna explore 6.1 and V5 for more 25% T5CC and regularly do the monthly challenges. My last resort is the Abyss.
If getting TB was too easy then it won't be worth it. The grind is half the fun.
You should appreciate that you can be TB without running Map 7 AQ. It also doesn't require you to complete one run in the Abyss.