Looking for Ally map 5 or 6 / AW Gold 1

Hey there, looking for a map 5 or 6 alliance and AW in G1/P4 (must be chilled, casual deaths accepted)

Prestige 10660
Line almamatter
IGN AlmaMatter
Timezone US ET


  • Cali_98203Cali_98203 Member Posts: 19
    Contact me on line : NightFreak
  • June91June91 Member Posts: 18
    Line ID: ssjune91
  • gindfgindf Member Posts: 106
    How are you?
    Still looking for a new alliance?
    We are the Milano TMLNO, a chill international alliance doing map543 and 1bg war (optional).
    If you're interested, find me on Line: gindf. (with the dot) or in game: gindf (without).

    Check us out!
  • CounterFreakCounterFreak Member Posts: 5
    Thanks guys! Already joined Nightfreak’s ally!
  • SBESBE Member Posts: 62
    Sent message on Line. Bent.notbroken
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