Platinum Pool Refund

I feel like we were lead to believe you could simply earn Platinum Pool by collecting all the pieces. Turns out unless you're insanely lucky, you need to pay $50 and 3,000 units to complete your Platinum Pool. This chase was incredibly misleading. I would like a refund of my 5-star shards and Incursion Artifacts. Kabam failed to warn us that the final piece would be behind a paywall. I never would've wasted the shards had I known.
And yeah, Kabam was totally honest about the Platinpool stuff. You can’t blame them this time.
1) you could have gotten lucky with the crystals, for instance I got lucky and did not need the 3000 unit legs
2) you can earn the pieces you need by doing arena for the free pieces this week.
The message they sent absolutely did warn you there would be pieces in the store for sell. they never stated you would get all the pieces for free. that is n you.
Under "About Platinumpool":
"To become one of the first to own the fabulous Platinumpool, be sure to keep an eye on the Incursion Store, Black ISO Market, Unit Store, Login Offers and Monthly Events."
Unit Store = $$$
Login offers = Units
Yes, they sent the non-monetary ones first (if you don't count the sigil one as monetary), but they were upfront about it from the start. There may be repeats later, like when red Deadpool or OG Vision offers repeat, but this first round is ending with the exact placements they said it would have in the first place.
Mislearing ! Probably yes imo not bcz of where the offers came but bcz of their Prices
Pieces Should drop alone or with his Fabulous Crystals And price should Be in the reach of most of us since he was a part of an event that we've being teased about for months ... it's not wolverine Weapon X it',s just a trophy champ
Goldpool had come just before the gifting event also. And now again.
Don't waste your units. Something worthy of units is probably about to come out.