Who should I take to rank 2

Pizza_DaddyPizza_Daddy Member Posts: 15
Both are unawakened

Who should I take to rank 2 12 votes

Nick Fury
Pizza_DaddyILLUSION8Param1988SaltE_Wenis69Scrubhan 5 votes
Kill_GreyEtjamaSarvanga1_RenaxqqTheBair123[Deleted User]Scarcity27 7 votes


  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,898 ★★★★★
    I’m going to assume they’re 6*s. If that’s not the case and it’s any other rarity then the answer is fury every time.

    If they are 6*s, it depends on if you have a 5* fury. If you do, rank up falcon. If not, rank up fury.
  • Pizza_DaddyPizza_Daddy Member Posts: 15
    Nick Fury
    Also they are 6 stars
  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★
    I think it depends on if you have either as 5*s, and if you have a ranked up CMM. If you have NF awakened as a 5*, go with Falcon. If you have Falcon as a 5*, go NF. If you have a CMM ranked up, go NF
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