Go for it or Wait ?🤔

I can open a Six-star Crystal...but im in a debate.
To wait for the next upcoming in more 10 days Featured / Basic or Open now as my roster
is shown currently below.
If someone has an INFO on which Champions be added to the 6-star Basic Crystals it
will be appreciated.

The Top 5-star Champs:

To wait for the next upcoming in more 10 days Featured / Basic or Open now as my roster
is shown currently below.
If someone has an INFO on which Champions be added to the 6-star Basic Crystals it
will be appreciated.

The Top 5-star Champs:

Go for it or Wait ?🤔 72 votes
I really love em', I got them as a 5-star unduped versions Rank 3/45 though...
I really want to pull new champion in six-star version that I dont have or ranked 4 and above 5-star.
@IronGladiator22 Jubilee is a masterpiece, at least for me.
Will wait than, possible by than ill get another 10k shards