Your least to most fave variants in order

Forum_God_715Forum_God_715 Member Posts: 20
Take 2 (accidentally clicked a discussion when typing this the first time).

Here is mine:

6) V1. I like the idea of class gate, but V1 design just wasn't something I liked. It feels so boring. It's like you wait for the best champs and blitz it. But when you consider the champs it was designed for release, you realize that v1 is challenging, but just awful design.

5.5: V4.3.2. I despise the design if this quest man. Caustic temper with 1 stars? C'mon man. There is 1 good counter that you may or may not have. And it just feels bad. Not to mention the Biohazard HB that was ignored.

5) V2. Idk man, it kinda feels similar to v1 with the whole wait for rhe best champs thing. Global is annoying also. Helper nodes are just not there.

4) V5. Mainly just due to my underdeveloped mystic+ roster. Not even bad, just not my favorite.

3) V4. Outside of the last quest, I had fun with using different champs! It just felt really cool all around, and dpxf was interesting and really outside the box design.

2) V6. I'm willing to bet that y'all thought I was gonna put v6 at the top since it was the easiest! But no. I had a lot of fun in v6. However, it wasn't as challenging as my number 1 personal favorite variant.

1) V3. Imo, with a few tweaks, this variant is perfect. Challenging and fun. Yes, there are crappy fights like LDR void, but outside of those fights, the bosses are great, the paths are fun, it's just all around good design. I'd have it explored if my tech roster wasn't so underdeveloped! But I think the reason why I like the variant as a whole, was because the globals were nailed. It made you want to bring techs, without forcing them down your throat. Also, using sentinel, even as a 4 star, was fun!


  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    Why is there is a 5.5? Couldn’t you have just done 7 points?
  • Forum_God_715Forum_God_715 Member Posts: 20
    Jaded said:

    Why is there is a 5.5? Couldn’t you have just done 7 points?

    LOL. Since I said I was rating variants specifically, I wanted to add a "cheat spot" for this quest.
  • Hera1d_of_Ga1actusHera1d_of_Ga1actus Member Posts: 2,439 ★★★★★
    i like V4 the most cause it has most interesting gates to me
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    Personally I smashed every variant days after their release. V1 sucks, then the rest in any order. But v5 and v6 have the rank 4-5 gem on completion, so those two are better then the rest.
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    I hated them all more or less equally.
  • swmcswswmcsw Member Posts: 249 ★★
    Other than v1, they were all fun.
  • Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★
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