Can you use all your feathers in tier 6?

Brucey15Brucey15 Member Posts: 2

According to this it seems possible that you can wait till the end of the month , run tier 6 as many times as you need and you can buy all the caskets


  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,332 ★★★★★

    DrZola said:

    Guys is it possible that we play only tier 6 and collect uru from it and then open all caskets? I.e. without having to do tougher quests for final caskets?

    There’s a good bit of talk of that on here. I believe you have to do the corresponding Tier quest at least once to be able to open its casket.

    Dr. Zola
    Can a mod please confirm this? It's probably the decision that makes or breaks this SQ for a lot of Summoners.
    I think this image explains it.

  • Zura_1Zura_1 Member Posts: 188
    Tier 7 is easier than tier 6....if u hv korg counter...I use storm x or Havok
  • JoshuagunnJoshuagunn Member Posts: 16
    Zura_1 said:

    Tier 7 is easier than tier 6....if u hv korg counter...I use storm x or Havok

    What rank and stars do u use
  • Furious_Fighter1Furious_Fighter1 Member Posts: 855 ★★★★
    Tier 7 seems far easier than tier 6. All the healthpools and attacks are almost half, excetp Korg. He has around the same but on boss node and a life transfer node(Advantage for attacker)
  • Wubbie075Wubbie075 Member Posts: 763 ★★★
    Tier 8 has not been too difficult, and assuming the leak is accurate, Tier 9 shouldn't be much trouble either.

    I am, however, dreading a massive bump in difficulty for the final tier.
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