Nick Fury issue in AW

MagnitusMagnitus Member Posts: 1
So having a little issue here... upon my first fight with in AW, Nick Fury’s awakened ability triggered immediately. Obviously this is not supposed to happen...

This can cause some major problems for those who actually play AW and I’m just reporting the issue. Anyone else see this happen?


  • V16ulV16ul Member Posts: 83
    Well that's a bug in game currently with the champs who have persistent charges, like torch, CMM, Apoc, prof X and many others.

    Sometime there abilities won't trigger like for Torch when you use his pre fight ability he won't start in Nova state which really hurted me in last war boss fight.

    Sometime abilities will trigger but in weird ways like with Apoc i used him for 6 fights and got 6 charges and started fight with 6 prowess buffs, Nick starting in his second life, charges not showing up on fight menu on prof X, CMM, and others.
  • V16ulV16ul Member Posts: 83

  • V16ulV16ul Member Posts: 83
    There you go Apoc with 6 Passive prowesses...😂🤣😂
  • Woody74Woody74 Member Posts: 6
    Literally just happened to my NF in AW...started fight in second phase
  • Donal1981Donal1981 Member Posts: 63
    Yes Nick Fury is start the fight with LMD mode. CONFIRM this bug!
    Its like fixed but then in a few days this bug happen again.
    They seems dont pay any attention to this bug coz its just happen to many times from being fixed.
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