Is ghost evading you?
For me, yes, I have 5 star wasp and the hood in rank 4 waiting for her, on top of that, I also have wasp and the hood as 6 stars, I've been looking for her for about a year and she won't appear.
Hood however, is necessary for if you want to avoid unavoidable damage like bane, star burst, degen, special 3 hits, hurt locker damage, the list goes on.
It’s not just for recoil
I have 6* unduped. No 5*. She's kinda...underwhelming at times unduped.
But CGR seems to phase out of existence to avoid me
Far from it
Took me a long time to get her, even as a 4*. I think of it as the game paying me back for getting Quake as my 5th 5*. Finally got her out of an incursion crystal. Shocking, I know.
Now I hunt for Claire, as it's really painful running suicides without her.
Yeah, yeah, I'll see myself out.
my first 6 star