looking for a minimum of gold 1 and 350 mil weekly AQ score

Long time player looking for middle ground aliance.
Happy hitting any map really but not interested in spending too many tickets to earn barely any extra rewards.
Would like a semi competitive aliance in war, gold one I feel is a balanced middle ground with no stress but happy to hear out any strategy's.

KingofENG is my line ID or the same in game :)


  • Colem2220Colem2220 Member Posts: 48
    looking for 6x5 players aq focus 400 mil war optional if your still looking not very active on war gold 3
    You can hit me up in game or on line colem2220
  • June91June91 Member Posts: 18
    We run 5x5 AQ and are currently gold1 looking to hit Platinum hit me up if you’re interested line ID: ssjune91 game ID: SS June91
  • KingofENGKingofENG Member Posts: 133
    I found a home, thank you :)
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