AQ Map 4 alliance LF members

Looking for active summoners who are active daily, good communicator, looking to gather Glory.
Get in touch!
Game and Line id: craagz
Discord id: craagz#9397
Alliance: The Avengers
AQ: Map 4 Heroic Mods
AW: 1 battlegroup (optional)
No event limits
Get in touch!
Game and Line id: craagz
Discord id: craagz#9397
Alliance: The Avengers
AQ: Map 4 Heroic Mods
AW: 1 battlegroup (optional)
No event limits
Thronebreakers, Cavaliers, Uncollected are welcome.
Alliances sometimes feel like filling a sieve with water.. help me seal the holes!
6 more members required! (1 left without reason, 1 is in waiting list.)
But you can join, join and make my day!
Thanks @ the member who complimented my humor.
Still looking though, Neverending Story: MCOC Edition.
I have only one spot left.
MCOC Forum, you are awesome!
And we are full! Amazing!
Will come back if someone leaves.
If you are looking and willing to join before the next round of AQ starts, hop in. We are open!
So yes, still looking for 3 Members to join our team. Last AQ was 141M. AW optional at Silver 2.
Please contact me on Line (craagz) or Discord (craagz#9397).
Please contact me on Line (craagz) or Discord (craagz#9397).