Hit-monkey or Moleman?

I found Hit-monkey very fun to play and his 3/45 helped me to become uncollected but recently I pull a new Moleman. I feel Moleman received many positive rating from the forum. So should I stick with Hit-monkey or invest my resource in Moleman?
Just rank up the on you like playing with.
If I had to pick one, I'd go with Moleman.
The both are quite good but I like Hit monkey because of critical bleeds, unblockable, critical sp2, evade counter for whole fight, good for both types of players (Suicides & no suicides)
but one thing that I like too much is his design, the suit and his gentleman look
I think in a vacuum, moleman is probably rated a bit higher.
But in the end, it depends on 2 things.
1: this is what everyone is saying here. Which do you enjoy? It's a game so it should be enjoyable.
2: this is what nobody is saying. What is your specific situation, roster, mastery, needs?
For instance:
Is either duped (both are very good without the dupe).
What needs do you have for your roster?
Do you have certain masteries like stand your ground, suicides, etc.? I think Hit would be better with suicides. Mole would be better with stand your ground.
Do you already have ranked up champs that have overlapping abilities with either of those champs? If so, then you might want to choose the other. E.g., do you have anyone who is shock immune?
What other champs do you typically use and do they have synergies with either Hit or Mole?