Favorite aq team

For me it’s this cmm does all the fights but mystics and torch does mystics cause he is the mystic slayer and nick fury is just there. I don’t bring my 5/65 nick fury cause I know I won’t use him and I got 2 torch’s and I also got CGR but I think cmm is way better for AQ and incursions over CGR
R5 Corvus
R3 6* cgr
R5 guardian
This is my staple team for map 5/6
Depending on the mod(especially cascading failure), ill sub g99, red mag, and sometimes an all mutant apoc team (r3 apoc, r2 cable, and r5 colossus or wolvie)
It really depends on the Map. Specific champs for specific nodes and bosses.
Though if minis or bosses can be Quaked, then Quake is on the team.
Corvus does 90% of the fights. G2099 I ramp up and use as a “just in case” I don’t solo Apoc with Corvus. OR I use for Rogue mini. AA I use for Storm X mini.
Magneto deals with all of the metal champions (I'll switch him out if there are Symbiotes, but he's incredibly useful for Ultron Drones and Doombots), Warlock deals with most opponents and the bosses if we fail to take down the regen node, and Mojo deals with Cosmics and then everyone after his ramp-up.