Are Mutant and skill nodes the worst in Cav?

Background: I'm a TB and have been doing Cav 100% every month since it came out. I have nearly 40 6*s and around 25 5* rank 5s.
Let's compare the punishing factor of each node that we have this month:
Science: No punishing factor to the player, but there is a damage reduction if you don't bring the right counter. This is a very good balanced node in my opinion.
Mystic: No punishing factor to the player, you get the prowess just by playing normally and the stun immune buffs actually helps in getting permanent prowess's. An argument can be made that this is better than Science based on the roster.
Cosmic: Nearly exactly the same as Science.
Tech: No punishing factor to the player, but the defender heals if you don't bring the right counters. Best part here is it's very easy and fast to build 10 furies. This is currently one of my favourites.
Now the problems start
In other nodes it's possible to play normally even if you don't bring the right counter, but in Skill and Mutant you have to completely change your playstyle.
Skill: There is quite a bit punishing factor if you don't bring the right counter and play according to the node as the opponent will just evade and kill you. Not a fan of this. Skill champs are known for bleeding. But that isn't used here for some reason. Including bleed could make this on par with other nodes.
Suggestion: Skill attackers stop evade when causing a damage over time effect.
Mutant: This is by far the worst node. Why only 90% bleed resistance? With 5 bleeds on you, that doesn't matter all that much and why no poison resistance? There are barely any poison immune mutants. I know we can play around this but with autoblock champs on the map, it eventually gets you. There's no not bringing the right counter here. Also there's no proper thing that all mutants are known for. They have high special damage but most don't have prowess. Kabam could have made it so if a debuff expires on the attacker, they gain a fury. Half of the bleeds expire without any benefit.
Suggestion: 95% Bleed Resistance. Remove poison. Specials remove all debuff from attacker and all debuff on expiry grant fury.
Now I'm not saying that it's undoable, this is just to point out the disparity between the class nodes and that there is still room for making more changes to keep balance between class nodes.
Let's compare the punishing factor of each node that we have this month:
Science: No punishing factor to the player, but there is a damage reduction if you don't bring the right counter. This is a very good balanced node in my opinion.
Mystic: No punishing factor to the player, you get the prowess just by playing normally and the stun immune buffs actually helps in getting permanent prowess's. An argument can be made that this is better than Science based on the roster.
Cosmic: Nearly exactly the same as Science.
Tech: No punishing factor to the player, but the defender heals if you don't bring the right counters. Best part here is it's very easy and fast to build 10 furies. This is currently one of my favourites.
Now the problems start
In other nodes it's possible to play normally even if you don't bring the right counter, but in Skill and Mutant you have to completely change your playstyle.
Skill: There is quite a bit punishing factor if you don't bring the right counter and play according to the node as the opponent will just evade and kill you. Not a fan of this. Skill champs are known for bleeding. But that isn't used here for some reason. Including bleed could make this on par with other nodes.
Suggestion: Skill attackers stop evade when causing a damage over time effect.
Mutant: This is by far the worst node. Why only 90% bleed resistance? With 5 bleeds on you, that doesn't matter all that much and why no poison resistance? There are barely any poison immune mutants. I know we can play around this but with autoblock champs on the map, it eventually gets you. There's no not bringing the right counter here. Also there's no proper thing that all mutants are known for. They have high special damage but most don't have prowess. Kabam could have made it so if a debuff expires on the attacker, they gain a fury. Half of the bleeds expire without any benefit.
Suggestion: 95% Bleed Resistance. Remove poison. Specials remove all debuff from attacker and all debuff on expiry grant fury.
Now I'm not saying that it's undoable, this is just to point out the disparity between the class nodes and that there is still room for making more changes to keep balance between class nodes.
Of course it’s do-able, just a pain
The problem lies in science cosmic, they require nothing from you, anyone can do it. I say it needs a bit of buff in difficulty.