It really sucks that the glory has such a stupid limit and such a small time to be claimed

If you are going to double the rewards putting many people in the positions where they have no choice but to spend their glory or go over the limit the least you can do is expand the time to claim it so we can truly make use of the glory stir when it reloads .
Good to know in case I start hoarding 👍
Now I gotta wait 3 more days to claim mine.
So there’s a lie somewhere within your complaints.
This is the first time I’ve ever gone above 10k glory and I got a pop up telling me to spend some as I was nearing the cap.
So either you’ve been up to the cap before and decided to tick the “don’t show this again” box or, you never actually hit the cap and therefore haven’t lost any glory. Either way, glory is there to be used so it’s your own fault.
I have an overflow of t5b and t2a, and no t3b. I didn't realize you couldn't buy those in store. Or maybe get some revives in there? Maybe some refills?
War season just ended, aq just ended, and my aw potions are full. Some people don't stash up on Glory. They just don't have anything to spend it on.
More stuff should be capped.