Rank Arena Rewards haven't Appeared

Silver453Silver453 Member Posts: 12
Hello I just made an account to ask if there's a issue going on cause I haven't received my arena rewards which ended somewhere around 10AM I am still waiting does anyone know what's wrong?


  • Silver453Silver453 Member Posts: 12

    It also looks like I haven't been given a rank even though I reached the total amount of points to receive rewards
  • Silver453Silver453 Member Posts: 12

    The one before had a score similar to this one but off 8.000 points and it got me this Rank but now it doesn't even say I have a rank is this a Problem?
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,058 ★★★★★
    Do you not have an IGM to notify you of rewards?
  • Silver453Silver453 Member Posts: 12

    Do you not have an IGM to notify you of rewards?

    Nope I've checked My Mail all it gave me was Champion use rewards and that's it nothing else has popped in since then.
  • BladerunnerBladerunner Member Posts: 11

    Yeah. Haven't recieved yet
  • PocketNerdPocketNerd Member Posts: 43
    Same here, and neither has my partner who also plays.

    Normally rank rewards arrive pretty quickly after the arena is over.
  • TakemypoopTakemypoop Member Posts: 2
    I’m experiencing the same thing. I am wellll over the rank rewards minimum for the 3vs3 summoner trials that ended yesterday and haven’t gotten an in game email and nothing has appeared in the stash.
  • TheIronPenguinTheIronPenguin Member Posts: 2
    I haven't recieved anything either. I'm also well over the bottom limit for rank awards.
  • ashish282828ashish282828 Member Posts: 2
    No rank rewards for summoner trials that ended on May 23 2021. I scored 1.4m points
  • SheathSheath Member Posts: 4
    I scored just over 300k points in summoner trials and haven't gotten my rank rewards either
  • TonyRTonyR Member Posts: 5
    I put 2.8M in summoner trails and haven't received any rewards, over 24 hrs after event finished. Like to know what the issue is Kabam. Seen a few posts wit
    h same issue, but no light on the matter from Kabam again. Ridiculous, still getting mail to empty my wallet though. Just had 4month break, come back and game state is atrocious like before my break. What's going on??
  • Victor18927Victor18927 Member Posts: 4
    The same problem happens to me.
  • Silver453Silver453 Member Posts: 12
    edited May 2021
    Has anyone who hasn't gotten them have the rewards already?
  • YaminiYamini Member Posts: 15
    I haven't received any rewards either. It's been well past 2 days.
  • TakemypoopTakemypoop Member Posts: 2
    Come on kabam.... can i have my rewards now?
  • SheathSheath Member Posts: 4
    Have any of you gotten your rewards yet I still don't have mine
  • Silver453Silver453 Member Posts: 12
    Sheath said:

    Have any of you gotten your rewards yet I still don't have mine

    I haven't gotten them either
  • SheathSheath Member Posts: 4
    Finally here thank you kabam
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