Crystal rewards

I have been playing this game for quite sometime andit seems like it is rigged when someone spinsa crystal to get a character.....99% of the time you get a duped character which is aggravating when you spend time obtaining crystals only to get the same character over and over again. I leveled up many characters just from crystal spins and it is aggravating. Peoplewho have been playing this for years should get better chances at winning better characters..increase the chances of getting 4 and 5 star characters.


  • VicFallenMonkVicFallenMonk Member Posts: 10
    i do agreenthat chances to get 4* caracters have to be increased because anythijg besides phc chances are also rediculously small unless you are Uncollected.But the developers seems not to think....tnat to become uncollected you heed REDICULOUS amount of not only skill..but mainly POWER and with the fact that odds to get 4* champs for NON uncollected players are so so little - this has to change.
    now reply to post creator - this is the way people fark for their shards.because further in game you go....strongermyou become - more and more 2* and 3* heroes you get...and every 2* gives a 3* shards....every 3* gives 4* and so on... that is when you get i guess it is not compleate bust there....but the amount of shards you get from reciving dupes in my opinion HAS TO INCREASE. cuz at the just doesnt makes enough sence to me.I researched a lot about odds and how this whole crystal farming system works (thnx to our community youtubers ...i hope the Kabaam will be hunest with us and wont go to increase odds for youtubers just so everyone else that watch will buy it and ru to spend money....because even without it those videos are sparking in players hope they might get something and often trigger automatically going to roll adter watching certain rolling video PLZ Kabaam - be hunest and equal with everyone of your costumers 😜😜)
    But yes...i hope odds for NON UNCOLLECTED playersmfor getting a 4* heroes WILL increase some day....OR the amount of shards we getting from dupes will increase.
  • 552matic552matic Member Posts: 2
    I once emailed about how off the heroes given to players are. I was told it is pre determined, but never received an answer as to how. It would be nice to see Kabam implement a system based on the number of crystals opened by said players. I started playing at the same time as a friend. I have absolutely crushed him in terms of how much I play, and the amount of every type of crystal opened. I have 3 x 5*, 29 x 4*, 77 x 3* etc. He has 1 x 5*, 14 x 5* and 27 x 3*. I have only ever received 1 x 4* from a premium hero crystal. Both my duplicate 4* came from 4* hero crystals. This puts me at 30 x 4* crystals opened, so you can imagine how many premium I have opened compared to him. My friend has received 5 or 6 x 4* from premium crystals. I believe it would be beneficial to your business to change this, and make it more uniform. Something like every 20 premium gets you a 3* on 21st, every 50th gets you a 4* on the 51st. Doing this by monetary value would keep this fair. Say 100 units/$7CAD = premium, 500 units/$35CAD = 3*, 1000 units/$70CAD = 4*, this allows you to make it fair and uniform weather you play or pay. To give you an idea of how its affecting you business: 2 guys at work got myself, my friend and 2 other coworkers to play mid way in the month prior to the Guardian of Galaxy month. My 4 co workers have all quit the game solely due to my friends rewards because they weren't getting what he was, and it definitely was unfair. My friend has since quit, and moved to other games with them. They are no longer supporters of Kabam, and denounce the Kabam name at every turn. Word of mouth is important to business folks, and you have now lost 5 players over this and who knows how many more to their incessant trashing of Kabam.
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