6* pull flex post

Even better is, that now I finally have a perfect r3 candidate in all my 6* classes:
Cosmic - CGR
Mystic - Longshot
Science - Spidergwen (or Shehulk, but I like gwen and run Venom 24/7)
Skill - Falcon
Mutant - Prof X/Colossus (prof X lags my device but I like him, Colossus I have high sig 5*)
Tech - G2099
Congrats though. Must have been a great feeling to pull such a phenomenal champ.
Does it count as a flex?
De Immoral Flexxx.....
[Picture credits to da google].
Angry purple man
Alien from space
Burning man
*Flashes 6star ghost, Nick fury, void, corvus from roster*
2)Angry Brinjal
3)Biology lab skeleton packed in astronaut suit
4) ass always on fire (jealous of everyone