Who to rank up?

Strike117Strike117 Member Posts: 20
edited June 2021 in Strategy and Tips
Hi folks,
Just finished act 5 on my road to cavalier and it's about time to rank up my third 5*r5 (aside Stark Spidey and Doom).
Could you help me to decide who to rank up?

Who to rank up? 30 votes

Cap IW
MCOC_JCM 1 vote
Blade (Dup. Sig. 120)
Venom the Duck (Dup. Sig. 61)
jscott96 1 vote
Kill_GreyEtjamaBerjibsRenaxqqParam1988Sparx265LpooScrubhanCap45XanatosDraconic_12mattressChelonii 13 votes
SchnoodleFrostGiantLord 2 votes
thanks4playingAssumedNameFiiNCHWHO_DAT_SAINTS24Yodabolt21Divine59765Captain_Montica 7 votes
She Hulk
Timros 1 vote
Nick Fury (it's a 5r3)
McocHPErcarretDawsManReal_Madrid_76_2avenge_123 5 votes
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • CheloniiChelonii Member Posts: 20
    You need a bleed immune champ for the biohazard sentinel in 6.1.2 and BWCV is that.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,066 ★★★★★
    Nick Fury (it's a 5r3)
    I think @Chelonii made a good point and I love Claire myself, but I voted for Fury simply because...he's Nick Fury. I can't see if he's awakened, but when he is he should be an obvious choice. He's maybe not a specific counter to anything in particular, but he's an amazing counter to so much in general.

    But if he's unawakened, then I would probably go with Claire as well. She is really, really good and doesn't need her awakened ability.
  • AndyBeardoAndyBeardo Member Posts: 180
    Is Nick duped? If so, I'd pick him. If not, it's a tough call. Probably Hype.
  • Strike117Strike117 Member Posts: 20
    Nick is not duped
  • DawsManDawsMan Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★
    Nick Fury (it's a 5r3)
    Hype murders act five, nick is a swiss army knife for act 6.
  • DawsManDawsMan Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★
    Nick Fury (it's a 5r3)
    DawsMan said:

    Hype murders act five, nick is a swiss army knife for act 6.

    Oop but he's not duped, bwcv then. or Hype you won't regret either.
  • thanks4playingthanks4playing Member Posts: 805 ★★★
    I picked Hype since you dont have a cosmic as r5. But if NF is duped then he'd be a worthy choice. BWCV is obv a strong choice too but I passed her over b/c u have doom as r5. any 3 is a great choice.

    I'd also consider shulk and havok.

    (damn ur roster makes me feel even worse about my account.)
  • BerjibsBerjibs Member Posts: 1,541 ★★★★
    Claire is gonna do the most for you in 6.1.

    She can do the sentinels, ultron, xbones, sabretooth. Pathclearing duties too with the regen.

    Not sure id ever take up Hyperion unduped but maybe others would.
  • Sparx265Sparx265 Member Posts: 271
    I would go with Claire. She has immunities that your roster desperately needs, she has amazing regen that has saved me countless potions and units, and she also has some pretty nice damage and great utility along with her. I have her and Doom both at r5, and while doom is definitely better at power control and has more damage, Claire's immunities make her just as valuable as doom, if not better in certain situations.
  • avenge_123avenge_123 Member Posts: 1,307 ★★★
    Nick Fury (it's a 5r3)
    Strike117 said:

    Nick is not duped

    if not, go with claire
  • Strike117Strike117 Member Posts: 20
    Thank you all folks!
    I've really appreciated it;)
    I'll go with BWCV
  • FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 2,176 ★★★★
    Havok. Once it gets to its sp3, then it destroys the opponent with a flurry of beams
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