Neither champ requires their awakened ability so I wouldn't bother about that unless you care about prestige. I r3'd my unawakened Doom as soon as I possibly could, no regrets. I probably would have done the same with Claire if I'd had her, but not before Doom.
That said, I don't run suicides. If you do, Claire is the better option by miles.
I was in that boat a month or so ago ... I went with Claire. I don't run suicides but Claire fit a better need for me at the time with her immunities I R3 her first ... and today I ended up being able to R3 my Doom so it all worked out lol
My point is ... you'll be able to eventually do them both so go for who fits the immediate need right now.
What content are you on?
Who do you enjoy using more?
If you don’t: Doom
Both are worth R3 though
Other option is to wait until I dupe doom
That said, I don't run suicides. If you do, Claire is the better option by miles.
My point is ... you'll be able to eventually do them both so go for who fits the immediate need right now.
I ranked 3 mine undupe. He don't need Sig ability to be awesome but nice to have