I am so disappointed with KABAM

GalacticmanxpGalacticmanxp Member Posts: 15
KABAM has made this game pay to win . SA calendar has benefited so many players in the last 2 years. KABAM is benefiting higher players and screwing lower players. Example is SOP, they screwed Cavalier and throne breaker players are the kings. Me as Cavalier, am still in 6.2, and SA still matters to me, so removing SA is a huge bummer. Many accounts depend on SA calendar, and your remove it and say F you free to play players. The only reason I play the game is because I do not want to lose my progression.


  • GalacticmanxpGalacticmanxp Member Posts: 15
    But it makes me sad that f2p players have to put up with KABAM’s stupid decisions for money.
  • GalacticmanxpGalacticmanxp Member Posts: 15
    Honestly… just progress, put the time in and you will grow, waiting around for handouts from Kabam can stilt progress and makes you think you dont have to put so much in!
    You said this, but I need more ways to get shards without spending, and KABAM is making everything pay to get so it irritated me.
  • GalacticmanxpGalacticmanxp Member Posts: 15
    Pulyaman, I am Cav true, but 5* and 6* shard income is low for me so we need more ways to obtain, I am just saying that KABAM is doing well but is now making things harder for lower players to obtain, that is my point.
  • GalacticmanxpGalacticmanxp Member Posts: 15
    And there are some who say “I love that lower players get screwed “,those are the people who don’t feel the pain of Lower players.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★

    Pulyaman, I am Cav true, but 5* and 6* shard income is low for me so we need more ways to obtain, I am just saying that KABAM is doing well but is now making things harder for lower players to obtain, that is my point.

    How are you a lower player? Cav is now the second highest progression level in the game. You can earn 20k 5 star and 4k 6 star shards from arena in a week if you put your time in. As an FTP, you need to put the time to earn the rewards.
  • GalacticmanxpGalacticmanxp Member Posts: 15
    True, but my concern is for lower players, I have 2 accs, and the second one needs more incomes for shards, not too concerned with my main acc.
  • GalacticmanxpGalacticmanxp Member Posts: 15
    Just sayin that we need better events and better rewards for tougher content, I personally think that Act 5 completion has boring rewards
  • GalacticmanxpGalacticmanxp Member Posts: 15
    Good for 1 week accs, not good for long term players
  • GalacticmanxpGalacticmanxp Member Posts: 15
    I am a newbie compared to other players, only been playing for a year, and ragnarok_947, you are a jerk. I have not a single complaint with my acc, my friends and buddies in game love SA, so I speak for them. If you say I need shards, no sir I do not, and have no experience of older players. I just want KABAM to give content for each level which has the same difficulty and rewards, that is it you jerk.
  • GalacticmanxpGalacticmanxp Member Posts: 15
    People don’t believe me at all, I shouldn’t have expressed my feelings on this game , now but you people.
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