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Be The Rank 3 Difference Maker

DeaconDeacon Posts: 4,156 ★★★★★
edited July 2021 in Strategy and Tips
I'm not accustomed to doing this but needed some opinions ... (w) means they're duped. Trying to see who to take up to rank 3???

Be The Rank 3 Difference Maker 64 votes

Black Widow Deadly Origins (w)
15% 10 votes
Elsa Bloodstone (w)
9% 6 votes
Hit Monkey (w)
7% 5 votes
Strye (not woke)
21% 14 votes
Nick Fury (not woke)
10% 7 votes
Bishop (w)
9% 6 votes
Namor (w;sig 100)
25% 16 votes
Daredevil Hell's Kitchen (w)
0% 0 votes
Post edited by Kabam Dijon on


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    SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Posts: 21,872 ★★★★★
    you should probably rank up stryfe
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    DeaconDeacon Posts: 4,156 ★★★★★
    DrZola said:

    Namor and dump stones in him. Problem solver.

    Stryfe I think sort of needs his dupe. Nick still great without dupe, but man does LMD rock. I have duped Elsa at R2 and will R3 her if I don’t dupe my Aegon.

    Dr. Zola

    was thinking that too ... Stryfe isn't dependent on the dupe as far as I can tell ... and yes the LMD indeed rocks hence my dilemma lol
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    DeaconDeacon Posts: 4,156 ★★★★★

    you should probably rank up stryfe

    i'm SO close to doing it buddy lol
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    BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Posts: 2,233 ★★★★★
    edited July 2021
    If NF was duped you knew answer. If namor had 150+Sig them he would be my 2md choice.
    Given present situation Elsa is great option. Hit monkey is close to her but Elsa can negate block damage half the time which makes her better choice. If I were you I won't hesitate taking her to r3
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    JadedJaded Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    I r3 my NF before he was duped. No regrets, especially now that he is duped.
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    ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Posts: 3,096 ★★★★★
    Bishop probably. Seems more useful than stryfe, but stryfe does look cool.
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    DeaconDeacon Posts: 4,156 ★★★★★

    Bishop probably. Seems more useful than stryfe, but stryfe does look cool.

    I was just in ROL toying with him trying to decide lol .. his buff was really good
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    SquirrelguySquirrelguy Posts: 2,652 ★★★★★
    Do you run suicides? I feel like that makes a big difference in several of these characters. BWDO is super fun, but if suicides, I would 100% go Namor and dump any other stones to get him to sig 200 ASAP. I do not have a high enough Else or Hit Monke to have played them much, but I’m still firmly on the Namor hype train and have not regretted it.
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    HolrosHolros Posts: 361 ★★★
    I would go with NF, NF is still very much useful unawakened and he should put in more work at R3, and the bonus of it is you'll be greatful you made that decision whenever you dupe him
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    GNASTYGNASTY Posts: 348 ★★
    Stryfe is great. Definitely doesn’t need the sig.
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    MrInsanityMrInsanity Posts: 1,539 ★★★★
    @Jaded said:

    I r3 my NF before he was duped. No regrets, especially now that he is duped.

    How did you play him unduped?
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    JadedJaded Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★

    @Jaded said:

    I r3 my NF before he was duped. No regrets, especially now that he is duped.

    How did you play him unduped?
    Depends if I needed something specific from his tactical charges or not. If I needed an evade counter I would MLM till 2x sp1. Then after that it’s easy to maintain the tactical charges above 5. If I didn’t need that, I would parry heavy till sp2, rinse and repeat.
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    Ezra7676Ezra7676 Posts: 670 ★★
    NF unduped still a beast. I r3'd mine. I've never played him duped so don't know the difference.
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    AssumedNameAssumedName Posts: 580 ★★★
    Stryfe doesn’t need his awakened ability at all, and he’s undoubtably better than any of the champs in that list (since nick isn’t awakened).
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