in game Comic

Now this might be asking alot.
But is there any way you guys could add in a random free bi-weekly comic book in the game?
Now i know your thinking.
Thats what marvel ultimate is for...
But i dont really like that app.. its clunkly and hard to navigate.
What if you guys created a new section in game where we could read a comic book like you would on a kindle or something...
or better yet you could take a comic book and animate it in the style you guys do "like the storys that play after you have beaten the collector or grandmaster."
You could rotate out the comic biweekly.
It could be randomly picked. Or it could be related to the heros you are releasing or content you have going on at the time.
As a comic fan i think it would be very fun & i would look forward to logging in to read a new story for free every week / couple of weeks.
& it might help people who just play because its a game learn a little bit more about the lore and history of the heros they are playing as.
Consider it kabam!
Could be a great colaboration with marvel
It doesnt get any more mavel than that.
But is there any way you guys could add in a random free bi-weekly comic book in the game?
Now i know your thinking.
Thats what marvel ultimate is for...
But i dont really like that app.. its clunkly and hard to navigate.
What if you guys created a new section in game where we could read a comic book like you would on a kindle or something...
or better yet you could take a comic book and animate it in the style you guys do "like the storys that play after you have beaten the collector or grandmaster."
You could rotate out the comic biweekly.
It could be randomly picked. Or it could be related to the heros you are releasing or content you have going on at the time.
As a comic fan i think it would be very fun & i would look forward to logging in to read a new story for free every week / couple of weeks.
& it might help people who just play because its a game learn a little bit more about the lore and history of the heros they are playing as.
Consider it kabam!
Could be a great colaboration with marvel
It doesnt get any more mavel than that.
Would build more value into your game.
Because it might get people inspired to finish a comic series from a book they read in your game.
They already kind of do it with the free* comic redemption on marvel unlimited....
but i never redeem them because i dont like the app.
Would be much more efficient advertising by rotating comics weekly or biweekly in game.
Cause i guarantee most people dont know who Hercules even is outside of disney / greek lore
People would more likely buy marvel ultimate to finish the series from what they read on mcoc
But they could possibly become one if they ever read a comic in game!