Aegon's SP3 is reseting his combo to 0

DerSchneemacherDerSchneemacher Member Posts: 74
Just as a heads up: Aegon is not working as intended.
I took him to map 5 today, just because it is day one and I barely get to use him.
I have a 5/65 x200 Aegon. I was about halfway during a fight with my SP3 ready to use, so I said "sure why not?". I was about 60 hits in, threw sp3 and as soon as I come out of the SP3, my combo meter resets to 0. Needless to say, I lost all charges and managed to save 30 or so charges.

Image atached: you can see in the "highest combo" section that it says 44 hits. Even though I had 85 successful hits, and never got hit back (just if you were wondering if I had lost the combo because maybe I took a hit to the face). I also went with Aegon for a second fight, and the same happened: 34 successful hits, 33 highest combo. Once again, threw and SP3 and the same happened.

Can you guys look into this? Because damn, I can't wait to get into Abyss and have my combo meter reset itself to 0 after an SP3.

First image:

Second fight, during the sp3 and afterwards:

@Kabam Zibiit or @Kabam Miike , care to pass this info around pls?


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