Your interests..

Yes, we're playing MCOC, we're on the forums. But what do you like the most about the game? For me, it's how it teaches me more about Marvel since I love Marvel. Like, I would never have known who Aegon is without MCOC.
Despite all their issues, I love Kabam's interaction with the player base, how they release content, design champs, have a buff cadence, champion votes, roadmaps, etc. The game wouldn't be where it is without this bridge between Kabam & the community, so kudos to them.
I think that's it.
Love the feeling when you finally pull that champ that you wanted so long and needed 2 years ago
To answer OP:
For everything you can criticise Kabam for, I do think they do a tremendous job keeping the game alive and fresh. This is the only mobile game that has kept my interest for this long. I have one other Marvel mobile game that I've played for about as long, but the difference in fun content released for both of them is astronomical. In the other game, I basically just log in once a day and play a match or two, while I'm a part of this community and my alliance and am actively playing the story, monthly and side content every single day. It's really night and day.
Kabam has created a lot of og characters-
Civil Warrior
Symbiote Supreme
Sorcerer Supreme
Venom the Duck
Guillotine 2099
Storm (Pyramid X)
Jabari Panther
The Overseer
Silver Centurion is a MROC character but has roots in marvel comics cannon so not counted as a Kabam OG.
The other cool thing is now all these created characters are now Marvel characters as much as Cyclops is. They can have comic book runs (guillotine did) or shows or movies if Marvel wanted. That's a pretty cool feat from just a video game.
Kabam gets tons of hate but really, you don't usually get the kind of access we as players get with the MODs or game designers. Gabe, Kabams creative director, is accessable on Twitter. He's replied to a few of my comments on his tweets which is awesome.